Why Dr Balalis does not offer Lap bands
31st May 2021
Posted in: Latest News

Lap banding – otherwise known as laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) or gastric banding, was a common form of surgery, but is no longer recommended due to intolerance and high revision rates.
If you currently have a lap band in and are having issues, please come and see Dr Balalis and the team – some people have not had their band looked at in many years!
All surgeries come with their own risks and benefits, and there are now very safe and more effective weight-loss procedures available. These include the sleeve gastrectomy, one anastomosis gastric bypass and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, all which Dr Balalis offers.
Why Dr Balalis does not offer Lap bands
Most often a Lap band will eventually have to be replaced or removed.
Medical devices often have a shelf life, including the gastric band. Many patients have the band removed because it slips or deteriorates to the point of needing replacement surgery. The short-term results for Lap banding patients seem positive, but over time people may experience weight gain or other complications.
Complications include band deterioration/intolerance, slippage or even erosion, all of which require follow-up surgery.
In other cases, people choose to have their bands removed because of the poor quality of life, lack of weight-loss results and potentially serious side effects.
Studies have consistently shown other procedures are more effective than gastric banding. Sleeve gastrectomy, one anastomosis gastric bypass and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, all offered by Dr Balalis, are effective and proven ways to lose weight and improve other co-morbidities.
For more information, do not hesitate to contact Dr Balalis.